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Friday, 27 March 2015

polynomial multiplication and addition implementation

Implementation of polynomial multiplication and addition using linked list

   polynomial multiplication and addition implementation

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <conio.h>

typedef int BOOL; // the more obvious choice would be char, but int is more
                  // time efficient as it uses a basic memory unit optimal for the
                  // particular processor design, by default

struct NODE;
typedef struct NODE Node;
typedef Node* PtrNode;
typedef PtrNode List;
typedef PtrNode Position;
typedef List Polynomial;
struct polyTerm {
    int degree; // the power of the taken term
    int coeff; // the coefficient of the term
typedef struct polyTerm DataType; // this is a default data type

struct NODE{ // single link list node
    DataType data;
    PtrNode next;
// vital ones>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
PtrNode NewPoly() // returns the List's header
    PtrNode tempNode =  malloc(sizeof(Node));
    tempNode->next = NULL;
    return tempNode;
Position NewNode()
    // to do: add code to create the other parts of
    // the memory to be allocated.
    return malloc(sizeof(Node)); // for old compilers,
    // explicit type conversion like (Node) is needed to be

void Delete(PtrNode node)
    // to do: add code to clear the other parts of
    // the dynamically allocated memory

void DeleteList(List L)
    PtrNode tempNode = L->next, tempNode2;
    while (tempNode != NULL)
        tempNode2 = tempNode->next;
        tempNode = tempNode2;
    L->next = NULL;

void FreeList(List L)

void Insert ( List L, DataType data, Position pos)
    Position tempPos;
    tempPos = NewNode(); // creates and allocates memory space
    if(tempPos == NULL)
        fprintf(stderr, "error: request for allocation of memory using function \"malloc\" rejected");
    tempPos->data = data;
    tempPos->next = pos->next;
    pos->next = tempPos;

void DisplayElement(DataType element)

    // to do: add display code here
    printf("%dx^%d", element.coeff,;
void Display (List L)

    Position pos = L->next;
    if(pos == NULL)
    while (pos != NULL)
            if(pos->next != NULL)
                printf(" + ");
            pos = pos->next;

Polynomial AddPolynomial(const Polynomial p1, const Polynomial p2)
    Polynomial retPoly = NewPoly();
    Position p_1 = p1->next, p_2 = p2->next, top = retPoly;
    DataType tempTerm;
    while (p_1 && p_2)
        if(p_1-> > p_2->
                Insert(retPoly, p_1->data, top);
                p_1 = p_1->next;
        else if(p_1-> < p_2->
                Insert(retPoly, p_2->data, top);
                p_2 = p_2->next;
        else if(p_1-> == p_2->
       = p_1->;
                tempTerm.coeff = p_1->data.coeff + p_2->data.coeff;
                Insert(retPoly, tempTerm, top);
                p_1 = p_1->next;
                p_2 = p_2->next;
        top = top->next;
    if(p_1 != NULL)
        for(;p_1; p_1 = p_1->next, top = top->next)
            Insert(retPoly, p_1->data, top);
    else if (p_2 != NULL)
        for(;p_2; p_2 = p_2->next, top= top->next)
            Insert(retPoly, p_2->data, top);
    return retPoly;

DataType multyplyTerms(DataType t1, DataType t2)
    DataType t3;
    t3.coeff  = t1.coeff * t2.coeff; = +;
    return t3;

Polynomial PolyMultiply(const Polynomial p1, const Polynomial p2)
{ /// the runtime of this function is O(M^2 + MN)
    Polynomial retPol = NewPoly();
    Polynomial P_1 = p1->next, P_2 = p2->next, top = retPol;
    DataType tempData;
        top = retPol;
        P_2 = p2->next;
        while (P_2)
            tempData = multyplyTerms(P_1->data, P_2->data);
            while(top->next && top->next-> >
                    top = top->next;// this loop terminates when the data field in the next iteration
                    // is either equal to or lesser the the current

            if(top->next == NULL) // if top->next is null, terms just get inserted at the top
            { // this does not occur when P_1 != p1->next. but for that condition being false,
              // insertion happens consecutively
                Insert(retPol, tempData, top);
                top = top->next;
            else if(top->next-> !=
                { // checks for the equality of degree. If they are not equal, the term just gets inserted
                    Insert(retPol, tempData, top);
                    top = top->next;
            else // this condition is executed when top->next-> ==
                top->next->data.coeff = tempData.coeff + top->next->data.coeff; // just add terms of same power
            P_2 = P_2->next;
        P_1 = P_1->next;
    return retPol;
Polynomial GetPoly(const char* txt)
    Polynomial p = NewPoly();
    Polynomial top = p;
    char ch = '\0';
    DataType temp;
    while (ch != 'n' && ch != 'N')
        printf("\n enter coefficient");
        scanf("%d", &temp.coeff);
        printf("\n enter power");
        scanf("%d", &;
        Insert(p, temp, top);
        top = top->next;
        printf("\n do you want to add another term (Y/N)?");
        ch = getch();
    return p;
int main()
   Polynomial P1 = GetPoly("\nenter the terms of the first polynomial:\n");
   Polynomial P2 = GetPoly("\nenter the terms of the second polynomial:\n");
   Polynomial P_mult = PolyMultiply(P1, P2);
   Polynomial P_add = AddPolynomial(P1, P2);
   printf("\nthe first polynomial:\n");
   printf("\nthe second polynomial:\n");
   printf("\n\nthe sum of the two polynomial:\n");
   printf("\n\nthe product of the two polynomials:\n");
    return 0;

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