is the ultimate sophistication.”
— Leonardo da Vinci
is complicating things wrong ?
sense always deceives us by overrating something abnormally
complicated for being something of extraordinary significance. It is
natural for most people to accept what they don't understand as a
“great work of art” and give it significant importance. People
also tend to underestimate what they do know, and what they are
really capable of unless they compare themselves with others. This
inspiration over difficult or complicated tasks build the desire in
them to try out such task, until they stop finding it difficult. But
when it comes to judging someone's work by searching for the work
which impresses you, your judgment becomes deceiving; as you judge
them based on what you are
really good at and what you
know quite well. So being impartial is more difficult than it seems,
when it comes to judging others for
their work.