Implementation example of double linked list (set union
and intersection operations)
* implementation example of double linked list (set union and intersection operations)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <conio.h>
typedef int BOOL;
struct NODE_d;
typedef struct NODE_d Node_d;
typedef Node_d* PtrNode_d;
typedef PtrNode_d List_d;
typedef PtrNode_d Position_d;
typedef int DataType; // this is a default data type
struct NODE_d{ // single link list node
DataType data;
PtrNode_d next;
PtrNode_d previous;
PtrNode_d NewList_d() // returns the List's header
PtrNode_d tempNode = malloc(sizeof(Node_d));
tempNode->next = NULL;
tempNode->previous = NULL;
return tempNode;
Position_d NewNode_d()
return malloc(sizeof(Node_d)); // for old compilers,
// explicit type conversion like (Node) is needed to be
void Delete_d(PtrNode_d node)
BOOL IsLast_d(List_d L, Position_d pos)
return (pos->next == NULL);
BOOL IsEmpty_d(List_d L)
return (L->next == NULL);
void Insert_d ( List_d L, DataType data, Position_d pos)
Position_d tempPos;
tempPos = NewNode_d(); // creates and allocates memory space
if(tempPos == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "error: request for allocation of memory using function \"malloc\" rejected");
tempPos->data = data;
tempPos->next = pos->next;
tempPos->previous = pos;
pos->next = tempPos;
if(!IsLast_d(L, tempPos))
tempPos->next->previous = tempPos;
Position_d Find_d(List_d L, DataType element)
Position_d tempPos = L->next;
while(tempPos!=NULL && tempPos->data!=element)
tempPos = tempPos->next;
return tempPos; // this return NULL by default when it fails to find the
// element
void DisplayElement_d(DataType element)
printf("%d\n", element);
void Display_d (List_d L)
Position_d pos = L->next;
while (pos != NULL)
pos = pos->next;
List_d setIntersect(List_d L1, List_d L2) // this function runs at O(N^2) or to be more precise O(MN)
Position_d pos_top, tempPos;
List_d L = NewList_d();
pos_top = L;
tempPos = L1->next;
while(tempPos != NULL)
if(Find_d(L, tempPos->data)==NULL && Find_d(L2, tempPos->data) != NULL)
Insert_d(L, tempPos->data, pos_top);
pos_top = pos_top->next;
tempPos = tempPos->next;
return L;
List_d setUnion(List_d L1, List_d L2) // this function runs at O(N^2) or to be more precise O(MN)
Position_d pos_top, tempPos;
List_d L = NewList_d();
pos_top = L;
tempPos = L1->next;
while (tempPos != NULL)
if(Find_d(L, tempPos->data) == NULL)
{ // there is a possibility that an element can be repeated in the same list
Insert_d(L, tempPos->data, pos_top);
pos_top = pos_top->next;
tempPos = tempPos->next;
tempPos = L2->next;
while(tempPos != NULL)
if(Find_d(L, tempPos->data) == NULL)
{ // incrementation takes place only if the data record is not found
Insert_d(L, tempPos->data, pos_top);
pos_top = pos_top->next;
tempPos = tempPos->next;
return L;
void getElements(List_d L, const char* A)
unsigned int i, n;
int data; Position_d top = L;
printf("enter the number of elements for %s", A);
scanf("%d", &n);
printf("enter the elements of the set %s:", A);
for(i=0; i<n; i++)
scanf("%d", &data);
Insert_d(L, data, top);
top = top->next;
int main()
List_d L1 = NewList_d();
List_d L2 = NewList_d();
List_d L_union, L_intersection;
getElements(L1, "A");
getElements(L2, "B");
L_union = setUnion(L1, L2);
printf("\nunion of A and B:\n");
L_intersection = setIntersect(L1, L2);
printf("\nintersection of A and B:\n");
return 0;
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