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Friday, 27 March 2015

Implementation of insertion sorting algorithm

Implementation of insertion sorting algorithm

* implementation of insertion sorting algorithm in C

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <conio.h>

typedef int BOOL;

struct NODE;
typedef struct NODE Node;
typedef Node* PtrNode;
typedef PtrNode List;
typedef PtrNode Position;
typedef int DataType;

struct NODE{ // single link list node
    DataType data;
    PtrNode next;
// vital ones>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
PtrNode NewList() // returns the List's header
    PtrNode tempNode =  malloc(sizeof(Node));
    tempNode->next = NULL;
    return tempNode;
Position NewNode() // creates a new node
    return malloc(sizeof(Node));

void Delete(PtrNode node)// deletes the node
BOOL IsLast(List L, Position pos) // checks id the given position is last in the list
    return (pos->next == NULL);
void Insert ( List L, DataType data, Position pos)// inserts a data field in a particular position
    Position tempPos;
    tempPos = NewNode(); // creates and allocates memory space
    if(tempPos == NULL)
        fprintf(stderr, "error: request for allocation of memory using function \"malloc\" rejected");
    tempPos->data = data;
    tempPos->next = pos->next;
    pos->next = tempPos;
Position FindEnd(List L) // finds the end of the list
    Position tempPos=L;
    while(!IsLast(L, tempPos))
        tempPos = tempPos->next;
    return tempPos;

void DisplayElement(DataType element) // displays an individual element
    printf("%d\n", element);
void Display (List L) // this function displays the list's contents linearly
    Position pos = L->next;
    if(pos == NULL)
    while (pos != NULL)
            pos = pos->next;
void inseartionSort(List L) //sorts the list
   if(L->next == NULL || L->next->next == NULL)
        return; // if the list contains 0 or 1 element
   Position posTop = L->next->next, tempPos, delPos;
   Position topPrev = L->next;
   DataType data1;
   while(posTop != NULL)
       tempPos = L;
       while(tempPos != posTop)
            data1 = posTop->data;
            if(tempPos->next->data < posTop->data )
                    Insert(L, data1, tempPos);
                    delPos = posTop;
                    posTop = posTop->next;
                    topPrev->next = posTop;
            tempPos = tempPos->next;
       if(tempPos == posTop)
                topPrev = topPrev->next;
                posTop = posTop->next;

int main()
    List L = NewList(); // creates a new list
    int n, i, data;
    Position top = L;
    printf("enter size of list");
    scanf("%d", &n);
    if(n < 2 )
        fprintf(stderr,"invalid list size. The size cannot be lesser than 2");
        return -1;
    printf("enter elements: ");
    for(i=0; i<n; i++)
        scanf("%d", &data);
        Insert(L, data, top);
        top = top->next;
    inseartionSort(L); // sorts the list
    printf("\nsorted list:\n");
    return 0;

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