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Monday, 22 June 2015

How to make a good chess move

How to calculate chess positions?

The grandmaster's secret” is what every average chess player will want to know. But unfortunately there is no "secret" for evaluating chess positions with high accuracy. We just need to change the view by which we look at the board while evaluating. But that's also not going to be easy. Only extensive practical experience on applying the methods described in this article will improve the player's playing strength. This article is not written by an experienced rated chess player of any sort, the author just play chess and analyses chess to some degree. And the author does not claim that the methods presented in this article are standardized theoretical methods. 

Generally, an average player searches for immediate attacks and responds to immediate threats posed by the opponent player. So what causes these threats to arise in the first place? For example, lets say that the black-knight is placed in such a way that it posses a threat to fork the king with the rook, causing a forced loss of the white rook. Unless the threat doesn't go unnoticed, the white rook will be lost. This is probably the first kind of threat a beginner would come aware of. More complicated threats would be hard for a beginner to understand. This is because the complicated threats are built upon the basic or the common simpler threats. This "construction" for forming an extraordinary chess strategy can be of different levels, where the higher level is built on top of the lower ones. Coming to the most basic level, we would end up with the basic chess move rules. 

Every chess player is limited by the chess board and cannot create situations instead can only make use of the already existing situation to form their strategy. Certain kind of situations may not be possible to arise on a particular board position, but we may "discover" favorable situations. One thing a chess player must always remember is that his opponent loses only when he makes a mistake. The player cannot be forced to lose, for all possible outcomes, because chess is still an unsolved game. Even expert computer algorithms cannot try to solve chess, because of its innumerable number of moves.

Before going to the analytical methods, it is necessary to know that in grandmaster level games, all losses and wins are forced. Forced after the opponent commits a mistake. So we need to keep setting "traps" or move towards a cause.  

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