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Monday, 30 March 2015

Example program that imitiates function stack

An example program that imitates function stack


 an example program that imitates the "function stack" concept.
 This program is already available as the second program in these record
 program series, but here recession is imitated with a fake function stack!


#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <process.h>
typedef int BOOL;

struct NODE;
struct FunctionData;
typedef struct NODE Node;
typedef Node* PtrNode;
typedef PtrNode Stack;
typedef struct FunctionData DataType;
struct FunctionData{
    int *instant;
    int depth;
    int i;
struct NODE{
    DataType data;
    PtrNode next;

BOOL IsEmpty(Stack s)
    return ((s!=NULL)&&(s->next == NULL));
Stack NewStack()
    Stack s = malloc(sizeof(Node));
    s->next = NULL;
    return s;

PtrNode NewNode()
    PtrNode n = malloc(sizeof(Node));
    return n;
void Delete(PtrNode n)
void Push(Stack s, DataType data)
    PtrNode n = NewNode();
    if(n == NULL)
        fprintf(stderr, "error: memory allocation using malloc function failed");
    n->data = data;
    n->next = s->next;
    s->next = n;

DataType* Top(Stack s)
    if(s==NULL || s->next == NULL) // this is a fatal error
        fprintf(stderr, "error: stack is empty");
    return &(s->next->data);

void Pop(Stack s)
    if(s==NULL || s->next == NULL) // this is a fatal error
        fprintf(stderr, "error: stack is empty");
    PtrNode temp = s->next;
    s->next = s->next->next;

DataType* TopAndPop (Stack s)
    DataType* top = Top(s);
    return top;

void PopAll(Stack s)
    while (!IsEmpty(s))

void DisposeStack(Stack* s)
    *s = NULL;
int evaluateSum(int* array, int size)
      int i, s = 0;
      for (i = 0; i<size; ++i)
            s += array[i];
      return s;

void display(int *array, int size)
      int i;
      for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
            printf("\n%d", array[i]);
int evaluate(DataType BasefunData,const int *mainArray,
    const int size_mainArray,
      const int maxDepth,
    const int result)
    Stack FncStack = NewStack();
    DataType temp;
      unsigned long long int count = 0;
      Push(FncStack, BasefunData);
         Top(FncStack)->i = 0; // initialised to zero from the beginning
        //if (Top(FncStack)->depth == 0)   count = 0; // this ensures that this function can be used for a second time
            // the above line is not needed because 'count' is not
            // required to be reinitialise because here, 'count' is
            // static instead of being dynamic
        if (Top(FncStack)->depth == (maxDepth - 1)) // base case
                int i;
                for (i = 0; i<size_mainArray; ++i)
                    Top(FncStack)->instant[Top(FncStack)->depth] = mainArray[i];
                    if (evaluateSum(Top(FncStack)->instant, Top(FncStack)->depth+1) == result)
                        // condition is checked and the combination is displayed
                        display(Top(FncStack)->instant, Top(FncStack)->depth+1);
        if (Top(FncStack)->depth < (maxDepth - 1))
        {// originally, there was a for loop here. but the for loop automatically
            // gets implemented in this implementation
            if ( Top(FncStack)->i<size_mainArray)
                Top(FncStack)->instant[Top(FncStack)->depth] = mainArray[Top(FncStack)->i]; // this creates the array that's being checked
                // the condition is checked in the base case
                temp.depth = Top(FncStack)->depth + 1;
                temp.instant = Top(FncStack)->instant;
                temp.i = 0; // initialise to zero like how the 'i' value of the current iteration starts with zero
                Push(FncStack, temp);
      return count;
void getElements(int* array , int size)
    int i, r;
    for(i = 0; i<size; ++i)
        scanf("%d", &r);
        array[i] = r;

/// this program runs at O(2^(N+1)) time complexity and O(N) space complexity. The solution is inefficient for larger values
int main()
    int result;
      int *mainArray;
      int size_mainArray;
      int *instantArray;
      int size_instant;
      DataType temp;
      printf("enter the size of the main array:");
      scanf("%d", &size_mainArray);
      printf("\nenter the size of the summation:");
    scanf("%d", &size_instant);
    mainArray = malloc(sizeof(int)*size_mainArray);
    instantArray = malloc(sizeof(int)*size_instant);
    printf("\nenter the elements: ");
    getElements(mainArray, size_mainArray);
    printf("enter result:");
    scanf("%d", &result);
    temp.instant = instantArray;
    temp.depth = 0;
      int count = evaluate(temp, mainArray, size_mainArray, size_instant,result);
      printf("\n number of combinations possible: %d", count);
      return 0;
copyright (c) 2015 K Sreram. 
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